Texas drivers’ license form is the form used by applicants who want to apply for a drivers’ license in the state of Texas in the United States. Every state has its own rules and requirements but the basic information that everyone is looking for is background information, proper identification and contact details.
There may also be questions about whether you have completed any driving course or questions asking if your license has been revoked or suspended. After applying for the license by giving all your information, you have to sit for a written test and a practical test, and also if you clear them you will get your license.
You can Download the Texas Drivers License Template, customize it according to your needs, and Print it. Texas Drivers License Template is either in MS Word or Editable PDF.
Download the Texas Drivers License Form Template for only $6.54.
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Issuing Authority:
Texas Department of Motors Vehicles (TxDMV)
License Holder Information:
True full name (First, Middle, Last, Suffix [Jr, Sr, II, etc.])
Mailing address
Home phone number
Work phone number
Physical Characteristics:
Eye color
Hair color
Date of Birth
Driver’s License Number
Expiry Date (Valid for 10 years in Texas)
Driving Permitted:
Allows the licensee to operate a motor vehicle on roadways within the state of Texas.
Serves as a valid form of identification for various purposes, such as cashing checks, buying alcohol or tobacco products, and also boarding domestic flights.
Age Verification:
Provides proof of the licensee’s age, which may be required for certain activities such as purchasing age-restricted goods or entering age-restricted establishments.